Vidich Paul
Źródło opisu
Katalog centralny
Forma i typ
Wypożyczalnia Główna
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Bekker Alfred
Vandenberg Patricia
Kotwica Wojciech
Vidich Paul
Kowalska Dorota
Doyle Arthur Conan
Wallace Edgar
Konopnicka Maria
Kochanowski Jan
Cartland Barbara
Shakespeare William
Dickens Charles
Buchner Friederike von
Hackett Pete
Maybach Viola
Waidacher Toni
Verne Jules
Poe Edgar Allan
Twain Mark
Christie Agatha (1890-1976)
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
May Karl
Żeleński Tadeusz (1874-1941)
Siemianowski Roch (1950- )
Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Bach Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Mickiewicz Adam (1798-1855)
Krzyżanowski Julian
Otwinowska Barbara
London Jack
Leśmian Bolesław
Słowacki Juliusz
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Dönges Günter
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Mahr Kurt
Sienkiewicz Henryk (1846-1916)
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Darlton Clark
King Stephen (1947- )
Ewers H.G
Kijowska Elżbieta (1950- )
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Донцова Дарья
Beethoven Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Krasicki Ignacy
Vega Lope de
Barca Pedro Calderón de la
Trzeciak Weronika
Krzyżanowski Julian (1892-1976)
Kühnemann Andreas
Калинина Дарья
Chopin Fryderyk (1810-1849)
Słowacki Juliusz (1809-1849)
Mickiewicz Adam
Francis H.G
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Conrad Joseph
Austen Jane
May Karol
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Vlcek Ernst
Prus Bolesław
Barner G.F
Autores Varios
Kürschner Joseph
Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław (1894-1980)
Domańska Joanna (1970- )
Andersen Hans Christian
Chávez José Pérez
Ellmer Arndt
Żeromski Stefan (1864-1925)
Stevenson Robert Louis
Balzac Honoré de
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Palmer Roy
Wells H. G
Kipling Rudyard
Voltz William
Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Howard Robert E
Cieślik Donata
Zimnicka Iwona (1963- )
Braiter-Ziemkiewicz Paulina (1968- )
Evans Virginia
Goliński Zbigniew
Hałas Jacek "Stranger"
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Dug Katarzyna
Mark William
Miłosz Czesław (1911-2004)
Popczyński Marcin (1974- )
Czechowicz Józef
Kienzler Iwona (1956- )
Dickens Charles (1812-1870)
Alcott Louisa May
Hoffmann Horst
Kinder-Kiss Hanna (1958- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Przynależność kulturowa
Literatura amerykańska
7 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Forma i typ
Przynależność kulturowa
Tyt. oryg.: "An honorable man" 2016.
Mistrzowski powrót do klasyki powieści szpiegowskiej w stylu Johna Le Carré.
Wytropić i unieszkodliwić kreta. Oto misja George’a Muellera wieloletniego agenta CIA. Jest rok 1953, zimna wojna rozkręca się na dobre, a Agencja ponosi kolejne porażki. Ktoś sprzedaje sowietom tajemnice wywiadu i sabotuje misje na całym świecie. Zdrajcą może być każdy. Czy marzący o emeryturze i zmęczony pracą agent zdoła go schwytać? A może kiedy zagłębi się w sprawę i nawiąże kontakt z sowietami, sam stanie się podejrzanym. Dopóki kret pozostaje na wolności, nikomu nie można ufać i nikt nie jest bezpieczny. Wartka akcja, trafnie stawiane pytania o moralność i wybory dnia codziennego, oto umiejętnie zmieszany koktajl, który serwuje czytelnikom Vidich.
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Wypożyczalnia Główna
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 340679 (1 egz.)
W koszyku
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Washington D.C., 1953. The Cold War is heating up: McCarthyism, with all its fear and demagoguery, is raging in the nation's capital, and Joseph Stalin's death has left a dangerous power vacuum in the Soviet Union. The CIA, meanwhile, is reeling from a double agent within their midst. Someone is selling secrets to the Soviets, compromising missions around the globe. Undercover agents have been assassinated, and anti-Communist plots are being cut short in ruthlessly efficient fashion. The CIA director knows any news of the traitor, whose code name is Protocol, would be a national embarrassment and compromise the entire agency. George Mueller seems to be the perfect man to help find the mole: Yale-educated; extensive experience running missions in Eastern Europe; an operative so dedicated to his job that it left his marriage in tatters. The Director trusts him but Mueller has secrets of his own and as he digs deeper, making contact with a Soviet agent, suspicion begins to fall on him as well. Until Protocol is found, no one can be trusted and everyone is at risk . . .
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Dostęp do treści elektronicznej wymaga posiadania kodu dostępu, który można odebrać w bibliotece.
W koszyku
Beirut Station / Paul Vidich. - [miejsce nieznane] : No Exit Press : Legimi, 2024.
Forma i typ
'Vidich has firmly established himself in the very top flight of espionage writers, with a series of slow-burn character studies putting him in the line of le Carré.' - CrimeReads A stunning new espionage novel by a master of the genre, Beirut Station follows a young female CIA officer whose mission to assassinate a high-level Hezbollah terrorist reveals a dark truth that puts her life at risk. Lebanon, 2006. The Israel–Hezbollah war is tearing Beirut apart and the country is on the brink of chaos. The CIA and Mossad are targeting a reclusive Hezbollah terrorist. They turn to young Lebanese-American CIA agent, Analise, who has the perfect plan. However, Analise begins to suspect that Mossad has a motive of its own. She alerts the agency but their response is for her to drop it. Analise is now the target and there is no one she can trust. A tightly-wound international thriller, Beirut Station is Paul Vidich's best novel to date.
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The new novel by acclaimed espionage author Paul Vidich explores the dark side of intelligence, when a CIA officer delves into a cold case from the 1950s-with fatal consequences. In 1953, at the end of the Korean War, Dr. Charles Wilson, an Army bio-weapons scientist, died when he 'jumped or fell' from the ninth floor of a Washington hotel. As his wife and children grieve, the details of his death remain buried for twenty-two years. With the release of the Rockefeller Commission report on illegal CIA activities in 1975, LSD is linked to Wilson's death, and suddenly the Wilson case becomes news again. Wilson's family and the press are demanding answers, suspecting the CIA of foul play, and men in the CIA, FBI, and White House conspire to make sure the truth doesn't get out. Enter agent Jack Gabriel, an old friend of the Wilson family who is instructed by the CIA director to find out what really happened to Wilson. It's Gabriel's last mission before he retires from the agency, and his most perilous as he finds a continuing cover-up that reaches to the highest levels of government. Key witnesses connected to the case die from suspicious causes, and Gabriel realizes that the closer he gets to the truth, the more he puts himself and his family at risk.
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Paul Vidich follows up his acclaimed debut spy thriller with a suspenseful tale of Cold War espionage set in 1950s Cuba, as foreign powers compete to influence the outcome of a revolution. Paul Vidich follows up his acclaimed debut spy thriller with a suspenseful tale of Cold War espionage set in 1950s Cuba, as foreign powers compete to influence the outcome of a revolution. The CIA director persuades retired agent George Mueller to go to Cuba during the perilous last throes of the Batista regime to investigate Toby Graham, a CIA operative suspected of assisting Fidel Castro's rebel fighters with diverted CIA weaponry. Posing as a magazine travel writer, Mueller reconnects with Jack and Liz Malone, old friends who have relocated to Cuba and are unable to see the coming upheaval in their lives, both political and personal. Toby's betrayals aren't limited to his mission, and Mueller must make a choice between justice and duty, between loyalty to his profession and to his friends. Paul Vidich has written a powerful story of ideals, passions, betrayals, and corrupting political rivalries in the months before Castro's triumphant march into Havana on New Year's Day 1959.
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Dostęp do treści elektronicznej wymaga posiadania kodu dostępu, który można odebrać w bibliotece.
W koszyku
The Matchmaker / Paul Vidich. - [miejsce nieznane] : No Exit Press : Legimi, 2022.
Forma i typ
Berlin, 1989. Anne Simpson, an American who works as a translator at the Joint Operations Refugee Committee, thinks she is in a normal marriage with a charming East German. But then her husband disappears and the CIA and Western German intelligence arrive at her door. Nothing about her marriage is as it seems. Anne had been targeted by the Matchmaker - a high level East German counterintelligence officer - who runs a network of Stasi agents. These agents are his 'Romeos' who marry vulnerable women in West Berlin to provide them with cover as they report back to the Matchmaker. Anne has been married to a spy, and now he has disappeared, and is presumably dead. The CIA are desperate to find the Matchmaker because of his close ties to the KGB. They believe he can establish the truth about a high-ranking Soviet defector. They need Anne because she's the only person who has seen his face - from a photograph that her husband mistakenly left out in his office - and she is the CIA's best chance to identify him before the Matchmaker escapes to Moscow. Time is running out as the Berlin Wall falls and chaos engulfs East Germany. But what if Anne's husband is not dead? And what if Anne has her own motives for finding the Matchmaker to deliver a different type of justice?
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W koszyku
The Mercenary / Paul Vidich. - [miejsce nieznane] : No Exit Press : Legimi, 2021.
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From acclaimed spy novelist Paul Vidich comes a taut new thriller following the attempted exfiltration of a KGB officer from the ever-changing - and always dangerous - USSR in the mid-1980s. Moscow, 1985. The Soviet Union and its communist regime are in the last stages of decline, but remain opaque to the rest of the world - and still very dangerous. In this ever-shifting landscape, a senior KGB officer - code name GAMBIT - has approached the CIA Moscow Station chief with top secret military weapons intelligence and asked to be exfiltrated. GAMBIT demands that his handler be a former CIA officer, Alex Garin, a former KGB officer who defected to the American side. The CIA had never successfully exfiltrated a KGB officer from Moscow, and the top brass do not trust Garin. But they have no other options: GAMBIT's secrets could be the deciding factor in the Cold War. Garin is able to gain the trust of GAMBIT, but remains an enigma. Is he a mercenary acting in self-interest or are there deeper secrets from his past that would explain where his loyalties truly lie? As the date nears for GAMBIT's exfiltration, and with the walls closing in on both of them, Garin begins a relationship with a Russian agent and sets into motion a plan that could compromise everything.
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