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Ashcroft Michael
Currie Edwina
Dale Iain
Renwick Robin
Pryce Vicky
Charter David
Day Peter
Hain Peter
Metcalf Fred
Aschroft Michael
Bartholomew James
Beckett Francis
Brivati Brian
Browne Jeremy
Deane Alex
Farage Nigel
Fowler Norman
Kwarteng Kwasi
MacShane Denis
Mattinson Deborah
McBride Damian
Moorcraft Paul
Mosey Roger
Purvis Stewart
Quinn Tom
Read Mike
Smith Michael
Torrance David
West Nigel
Wilson Rob
Acheson Ian
Adams Jad
Adeney Martin
Adonis Andrew
Alastair Campbell
Alexander Andrew
Ali Shahrar
Alibhai-Brown Yasmin
Andrew Christopher
Arthey Vin
Asbali Nadeine
Askwith Richard
Bacon Richard
Bacon Steve
Baker Norman
Banks Robert
Barling Kurt
Barnes Denise
Bartlett Karen
Barwell Gavin
Beckmann Dirk
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Bennett Owen
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Biffen John
Bing Inigo
Birstein Vadim
Blick Andrew
Bloodworth James
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Boles Nicholas
Bowers Chris
Boys James D
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Brandreth Gyles
Brooks Thom
Brunt Martin
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Bunce Robin
Bywater Hector C
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Carswell Douglas
Carvill Pete
Clegg David
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Cockerell Michael
Colwell Alison
Comfort Nicholas
Cowley Philip
Crick Michael
Cruddas Peter
Dale Robert
Danczuk Simon
Denham Mike
Dhanda Parmjit
Donnelly Iain
Dowswell Paul
Dukes Paul
Dylan Jones
Evans Alun
Evans Suzanne
Featherstone Lynne
Ferrers Earl
Feuer Alan
Field Mark
Filby Eliza
Fletcher Nigel
Flynn Paul
Fox Liam
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Screwed / Ian Acheson. - [miejsce nieznane] : Biteback Publishing : Legimi, 2024.
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When Daniel Khalife escaped from Wandsworth in September 2023, the nation got a glimpse into the heart of the prison system, and what they saw there was chaos. This came as no surprise to Ian Acheson, who had spent years warning of the disasters to come. Screwed is the inside story of the collapse of His Majesty's Prison Service, told by someone who had a front-row seat to it all. Acheson went from officer to Governor in less than a decade, and during that time he witnessed the uniformed organisation he was proud to serve crumble into lethal disarray. This uncompromisingly brutal account exposes the politics and operational decisions that have driven our prisons to a state where rats roam freely, prisoners are forced to use slop buckets, violence and intimidation are normalised and it is easier to get a bag of heroin than a bar of soap. Concluding that the crisis is not unfixable, however, Acheson outlines a new corporate culture and mission that puts its faith in the officers who walk the landings every day: order restored, potential rescued, society safeguarded.
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Tony Benn / Jad Adams. - [miejsce nieznane] : Biteback Publishing : Legimi, 2011.
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Tony Benn has been portrayed as both hero and villain, as a creative and as a destructive force. This comprehensively revised edition of Jad Adams's classic biography, is written with unparalleled access to Benn's private records, and describes the long and turbulent career of one of the most charismatic politicians of the last hundred years. The first biography to have been written with full access to the Benn archives chronicles the behind-the-scenes story of Benn's bitter battles with every leader of the Labour Party since Gaitskell. It details his service in the governments of Wilson and Callaghan, his role as a champion of the left during the Labour Party's long period in opposition, his retirement from Parliament, to spend more time involved in politics in 2001, and his subsequent emergence as a leading figure of the British opposition to the war in Iraq.
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Born just as the British Empire was taking its last breaths, Martin Adeney was part of the 'twilight generation' caught between the imperial and postimperial ages, forced to navigate the insecurities - political, economic and cultural - faced by the British as we struggled to understand and adapt to our diminished place in the world order. A compelling blend of memoir and narrative history, Baggage of Empire leads us through the crumbling ruins of great industries and imperial trade cities; from the retreat of the northern newspaper empires to an almost exclusively southern, metropolitan viewpoint; through the tumultuous dominance and decline of the trade unions; to the rise of Thatcherism and big business. From the unique vantage point his career as a journalist has given him, particularly as industrial editor of BBC TV, Adeney notes that many of the issues that preoccupied us in the late '60s and early '70s - including immigration, housing, education, industry and communications - remain the daily currency of our political discourse. Despite all of our material prosperity and cultural self-confidence, we are all burdened, in one way or another, by the baggage of empire.
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Statesman, pre-eminent leader and founder of the free world's then largest and most formidable trade union, Ernest Bevin was one of the most rousing figures of the twentieth century. Minister of Labour in the wartime coalition during the Second World War, he was Churchill's right-hand man, masterminding the home front while the war supremo commanded the battle front. Afterwards, he was Foreign Secretary at one of the most critical moments in international history, responsible for keeping Stalin and communism out of Western Europe, and for creating West Germany, NATO and the transatlantic alliance, all of which underpin European democracy and security to this day. An orphan farm boy from Bristol, Bevin's astonishing rise to fame and power is unmatched by any leader to this day. In this discerning and wide-ranging biography, Andrew Adonis examines how 'the working-class John Bull' grew to a position of such authority, and offers a critical reassessment of his life and influence. Finally exploring Bevin's powerful legacy and lessons for our own age, Adonis restores this charismatic statesman to his rightful place among the pantheon of Britain's greatest political leaders.
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"A remarkable inside story of the war from the perspective of the Iraqi Commander-in-Chief. Fascinating, very readable, and recommended." – Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East editor "Impossible Victory is the definitive memoir of Iraq's effort to save its people and many other would-be victims from the most destructive terrorist organisation in history." – Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster, former US national security advisor and author of Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World "This book … casts a historical light on a decisive era." – Jean-Yves Le Drian, French minister for Europe and foreign affairs *** By 2014, the world had grown weary of Iraq and its troubles. The Americans had all but gone and the media had turned its gaze towards Syria, but Iraq's problems were far from over. That same year, ISIS put Iraq back on the map as they crossed the border from Syria and rampaged through the country, kidnapping, raping and killing, all in the name of enforcing their murderous interpretation of Sharia law. Terror had arrived and was taking the region in its grip. Saddam Hussein, the occupation, sectarian war, corruption and political instability had collectively laid the groundwork for further violence, and Iraqis were about to see the worst of it. It was against this backdrop that Haider al-Abadi became Prime Minister. What would likely be the most formidable task of his life lay ahead of him: to help unify his homeland's fractured military and politics and, slowly, to turn the tide on ISIS, ultimately achieving what once seemed an impossible victory. This is the definitive and fascinating true story of how the people of Iraq took on and eventually defeated ISIS, told by the country's former Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi.
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This latest volume of Campbell's acclaimed diaries sees the author, and the country, at a profound crossroads. Brown is finally gone, and Cameron is in the ascendancy – with a little help from the Liberal Democrats. Somehow Campbell must emerge from the ruins and grapple with his own future; just as Britain begins its own journey into austerity and, eventually, to Brexit. Volume 8 contains some of Campbell's most poignant and thought-provoking writing so far and is a must-read for fans of this most accomplished of political diarists.
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American incomprehension of the outside world has been the chief problem in international affairs since the end of World War II. In America and the Imperialism of Ignorance, veteran political journalist Andrew Alexander constructs a meticulous case, including evidence gleaned from the steady opening up of Soviet archives, demonstrating why this is so. From starting the Cold War to revisiting unlearned lessons upon Cuba and Vietnam, the Middle East has latterly become the arena in which the American foreign policy approach proved wretchedly consistent. This has created six decades in which war was not the last resort of diplomacy but an early option, and where peace and order breaking out was thought to be the natural conclusion of military intervention. Alexander traces this 'shoot-first' tendency from 1945, arguing that on a grand scale the Cold War was a red herring in which the US and her proxies set out to counter a Soviet expansionism that never truly existed, and that by the time of the George W Bush era, the 'Industrial-Military-Complex' was in office offering little hope of a change in approach.
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The recent groundswell of support for the Greens has made them something of a dark horse in British politics. Will the party build on Caroline Lucas's 2010 breakthrough and convince the electorate that they will govern for more than just the environment? Deputy leader Shahrar Ali recruits some of the Greens' leading thinkers and activists to explore how the party provides a credible left-wing alternative to Labour in 2015. Setting out the party's key policies, commitments and ambitions, Why Vote Green 2015 creates a compelling case for the Greens as a party of government, and will prove invaluable in helping you decide where to place your vote.
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This topic divides people - and it will divide readers of this book too. Many Muslims worldwide either support or adopt religious veiling, and those who argue against it are often criticised, or worse. But, according to Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, the veil throws up a number of concerns, from questions of health and freedom of choice to issues of gender and personal identity. She argues that veiling conceals abuse, propagates eating disorders and restricts access to sunlight and exercise. It is imposed on babies and young girls, allows women to be shamed for not covering up, and has become associated with extremist factions. It demonises men, oppresses feminism and presents obstacles to performance and success. It even encourages racism, distorts Muslim values and strips women of autonomy and individuality. Written from a unique perspective and packed with personal experiences as well as public examples, Yasmin addresses the ultimate question of why Muslim women everywhere should refuse the veil.
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For almost half a century, Bertram Mills Circus was a household name throughout Britain among both children and adults and it's Director, Cyril Bertram Mills, was one of the best-known and most influential names in the country's entertainment business. But for forty years, Cyril Mills had also enjoyed a top-secret and wide-ranging career in British intelligence: obtaining the best aerial intelligence on Nazi rearmament for MI6 before the Second World War; becoming the first case officer to monitor the best double agent (Garbo) of the war after joining MI5; and working part-time during the Cold War 'for MI5 or 6 or both without being paid a penny'. Remarkably, no word of Mills's secret career appeared in public until he was over eighty. Nobody suspected that the glamorous world of pre-war circus entertainment had been an extraordinarily fitting rehearsal for the lethal arena of deception and surveillance. In this remarkable true story, Christopher Andrew, best-selling official biographer of MI5, brings to life one of the most surprising and fascinating tales of espionage ever told.
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Elizabeth Thorpe, codenamed Cynthia, was a glamorous American socialite recruited by MI6 to obtain intelligence from the Polish Foreign Ministry and from the Italian and Vichy French embassies in Washington. Her method was to seduce whatever targets could provide her with vital intelligence, a practice in which she hardly ever failed, enabling her to secure first the French and then the Italian naval codes. In the landings in North Africa, she was credited with having saved the lives of hundreds of Allied soldiers. This unique account by a British spymaster of his relationship with Cynthia, detailing his subsequent involvement with Kim Philby and the Cambridge spies and his dealings with his counterparts in the CIA and French intelligence, was entrusted by him to a junior colleague on the basis that it was not to be published until everyone in it was dead. Necessarily anonymous and impossible to fully verify, though most of it undoubtedly did happen and is part of the historical record, A Spy Called Cynthia provides a special insight into the world of intelligence and one of its most effective practitioners.
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Abel / Vin Arthey. - [miejsce nieznane] : Biteback Publishing : Legimi, 2015.
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The true story behind the events depicted in Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster Bridge of SpiesOn 10 February 1962, Gary Powers, the American pilot whose U2 spy plane was shot down in Soviet airspace, was released by his captors in exchange for one Colonel Rudolf Abel, aka Vilyam Fisher - one of the most extraordinary characters in the history of the Cold War.Born plain William Fisher at 140 Clara Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, this bona fide British grammar schoolboy was the child of revolutionary parents who had fled tsarist oppression in Russia. Retracing their steps, their son returned to his spiritual homeland, the newly formed Soviet Union, aged just eighteen. Willie became Vilyam and, narrowly escaping Stalin's purges, embarked on a mission to New York, where he ran the network that stole America's atomic secrets.In 1957, Willie's luck ran out and he was arrested and sentenced to thirty years in prison. Five years later, the USSR's regard for his talents was proven when they insisted on swapping him for the stricken Powers. Tracing Willie's tale from the most unlikely of beginnings in Newcastle, to Moscow, the streets of New York and back again,Abelis a singular and absorbing true story of Cold War espionage to rival anything in fiction.
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Nadeine Asbali would be the first to say that a scarf on a woman's head doesn't define her, but in her case, that's a lie. Nadeine's life changed overnight. As a mixed-race teenager, she had unknowingly been passing as white her entire life: until she decided to wear the hijab. Then, in an instant, she went from being an unassuming white(ish) child to something sinister and threatening, perverse and foreign. Veiled Threat is a sharp and illuminating examination of what it is to be a visibly Muslim woman in modern Britain, a nation intent on forced assimilation and integration and one that views covered bodies as primitive and dangerous. From being bombarded by racist stereotypes to being subjected to structural inequalities on every level, Nadeine asks why Muslim women are forced to contend with the twin oppressions of state-sanctioned Islamophobia and the unrelenting misogyny that fuels our world, all whilst being told by white feminists that they need saving. Combining a passionate argument with personal experience, Veiled Threat is an indictment of a divided Britain that dominates and systematically others Muslim women at every opportunity.
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"This book offers an account of where Carrie came from, what she wants, what makes her tick and, most important, the influence she has on our PM. There are too many sources for [it] to be dismissed as a hatchet job … There is plenty in this volume that deserves to be taken seriously." – James Hanning, UnHerd "Well researched and insightful … By writing First Lady, Michael Ashcroft has done us a favour … This book tells us a lot about the way Britain under Boris Johnson is being run." – Kathy Gyngell, The Conservative Woman "[The] explosive book that has set Westminster alight." – Mail on Sunday Carrie Johnson is not only the consort of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson; she is also considered by some to be the second most powerful unelected woman in Britain after the Queen. Since she moved into Downing Street in July 2019, questions have been raised about her perceived influence, her apparent desire to control events, and the number of her associates who have been appointed to positions of standing in the government machine. So, are these concerns justified? In this carefully researched unauthorised biography, Michael Ashcroft charts the extraordinary ascent of Mrs Johnson, speaking to multiple sources who have been close to her and to Boris Johnson in recent years to produce a fascinating portrait of a woman who is still under the age of thirty-five. The book scrutinises Mrs Johnson's colourful family, her attempt to become a professional actress, and her early decision to work in politics. Long before she moved into No. 10, Mrs Johnson made a name for herself as a Conservative Party press aide before becoming a special adviser to two Cabinet ministers and eventually director of communications at Conservative campaign headquarters. Aside from politics, she is also the mother of two young children and campaigns in the fields of the environment and animal welfare. Carrie Johnson is without doubt a very modern prime ministerial spouse. This examination of her career and life offers the electorate the chance to assess exactly what role she plays in Boris Johnson's unpredictable administration and why that matters.
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"A truly insightful tour d'horizon" – Rt Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health, 2012–18 "Insightful and thought-provoking" – Rt Hon. Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health, 2018–21 "Brilliant" – Sir Stephen Bubb, director of Charity Futures and the Oxford Institute of Charity "A tour de force" – Niall Dickson CBE, former chief executive of The King's Fund, the General Medical Council and the NHS Confederation *** How good is the NHS, really? That is the question this book seeks to answer, as the health service emerges from the gravest crisis in its history with more money – but greater challenges – than ever before. During the pandemic, voters made extraordinary sacrifices to save the NHS from collapse. Thanks to these efforts and the dedication and bravery of the NHS workforce, hospitals were able to treat patients with coronavirus, but millions of others lost out. Now an exhausted and depleted NHS workforce faces a huge backlog. The gap between supply and demand for publicly funded healthcare has never been so wide. With record numbers waiting for treatment, the politicians' answer has been to spend ever more taxpayers' money. The question is whether throwing cash at the problem will work. Every day, millions of patients receive care that is fair, good or outstanding. In keeping with Nye Bevan's founding principles, the same treatment is available to rich and poor, free at the point of need. Public support for the concept remains overwhelming. Yet for every positive NHS experience there are negatives: care that is substandard, disjointed and arrives too late. A cult of secrecy surrounds errors and failings. Politicians on all sides dissemble and lie. This book seeks to strip away the spin and uncover the true state of the NHS: the good, the bad and the ugly. It explores an increasingly urgent question: in an era of pandemics, can the NHS provide the quality of service patients deserve?
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A Waterstones Best Politics Book of the Year 2023 All to Play For, the anticipated follow-up edition to Going for Broke: The Rise of Rishi Sunak ★★★★✰ –Daily Telegraph "The overarching theme of Lord Ashcroft's revised and updated biography of Rishi Sunak is a portrayal of a politician trying to do the right thing."– George Parker, The House "The family history of both Sunak and his in-laws is fascinating and frequently quite moving." – Times Literary Supplement "Ashcroft has dug up a great deal of detail." – Eastern Eye PRAISE FOR GOING FOR BROKE "The fullest account yet written of Sunak the rising star." – Andrew Gimson, ConservativeHome "Clearly written, lively and perceptive, and contains much insight on the complex world of Tory politics." – Vernon Bogdanor, Prospect Magazine *** The speed of Rishi Sunak's advance to 10 Downing Street is without precedent in modern British politics. In mid-2019, he was an unknown junior minister; seven months later, he became Chancellor of the Exchequer; and by October 2022, he had secured the highest office in the land. Aged forty-two, he was Britain's youngest Prime Minister in more than 200 years. Michael Ashcroft's biography – first published in 2020 and now fully revised and updated – charts Sunak's ascent to the University of Oxford, the City of London, Silicon Valley and Westminster before assuming the most powerful job in the country in chaotic circumstances. It is the story of a clever and hard-working son of immigrant parents who marries an heiress and makes a fortune of his own; a polished southerner who wins over the voters of North Yorkshire; a fiscal conservative who becomes the biggest-spending Chancellor in history; and a fastidious political operator tasked with reuniting the Conservative Party and repairing an economy in flux. Casting new light on Sunak's tense working relationship with his predecessor, Boris Johnson, All to Play For shows what makes him tick ahead of a general election whose outcome will have profound consequences for Britain.
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After a decade as Conservative Party leader and six years as Prime Minister, he remains an enigma to those outside his exclusive inner circle. Now, in the wake of his dramatic resignation following the sensational EU referendum campaign, this new edition of the book that 'got the world talking' (Daily Mail) revisits the real David Cameron, bringing the story of his premiership to its final chapter. Based on hundreds of interviews with colleagues past and present, friends and foes, this unauthorised biography charts Cameron's path from a blissful childhood in rural Berkshire through to the most powerful office in the country, giving a fascinating insight into his most intriguing relationships, both political and personal. Exploring the highs and lows of his administration, from his brush with disaster over the Scottish question and his humiliation over Syria to his surprise election victory in 2015 and his controversial win on gay marriage, this fully updated edition offers a comprehensive assessment of Cameron's legacy in office, weighing up the extraordinary achievements of Britain's youngest Prime Minister for 200 years.
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At the 2010 general election, only 16 per cent of ethnic minority voters supported the Conservatives. In Degrees of Separation Lord Ashcroft explores the gulf between ethnic and religious minorities and the Tories that is a well-known but little understood feature of British politics. Based on a unique 10,000-sample poll and extensive research among voters from black African, black Caribbean, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh backgrounds, Degrees of Separation sheds new light on one of the Conservative Party's biggest and most longstanding challenges.
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2019 saw the Labour Party meet its fourth consecutive general election defeat, and its worst since 1935. Arguing that it is vital for Labour to regroup if it is to offer a serious alternative government, Lord Ashcroft draws on extensive research among real voters – especially those who have moved away from Labour in former heartland seats now represented in Parliament by the Tories. Diagnosis of Defeat explores the reasons for this extraordinary result and offers a frank and uncompromising portrait of the Labour Party as it is seen today.
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This is a newly revised and updated paperback edition of the former Conservative Party Treasurer's personal account of his battle over unsubstantiated claims concerning his business affairs which culminated in a libel action against "The Times" newspaper. The book reveals the dirty tricks that were used to destabilise the Conservative Party, including the newspaper's alleged bribery of US government officials, and the abuse of parliamentary privileges by New Labour MPs. This is Lord Ashcroft's compelling account of the attacks on his reputation by New Labour spin-doctors out to slander the Conservative Party and journalists seeking to create a story. This new edition also sheds new light on Michael Ashcroft's private life; his childhood and love of Belize, his business career and his many and varied interests.
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