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Bulfinch Thomas
Lovecraft H. P
Doyle Arthur Conan
London Jack
Nemo August
Shelley Mary
Woolf Virginia
Austen Jane
Chopin Kate
Flaubert Gustave
Joyce James
Maupassant Guy de
Saki (H.H. Munro)
Stevenson Robert Louis
Aurelius Marcus
Bierce Ambrose
Crane Stephen
Defoe Daniel
Hawthorne Nathaniel
Henry O
Poe Edgar Allan
Stoker Bram
Tolstoy Leo
Twain Mark
Alcott Louisa May
Bazán Emilia Pardo
Cather Willa
Dickens Charles
Gilman Charlotte Perkins
Grey Zane
Kipling Rudyard
Le Fanu Sheridan
Melville Herman
Wilde Oscar
Balzac Honoré de
Baring-Gould S
Bjørnson Bjørnstjerne
Bower B. M
Chekhov Anton
Conrad Joseph
Dostoevsky Fyodor
Dumas Alexandre
Dunsany Lord
Edward Bellamy
Futrelle Jacques
Glaspell Susan
Gogol Nikolai
Grahame Kenneth
Heron H. and E
Heyse Paul
James Henry
Lagerlöf Selma
Lawrence D. H
Lillo Baldomero
Merritt Abraham
Orwell George
Porter Eleanor H
Pushkin Alexander
Quiroga Horacio
Rinehart Mary Roberts
Wister Owen
Adams Andy
Ade George
Andersen Hans Christian
Anthony Trollope
Arlt Roberto
Atkins Francis Henry
Ballantyne R. M
Bangs John Kendrick
Barrett Rafael
Barrie J. M
Baum L. Frank
Beach Rex
Bennett Arnold
Benson E. F
Bly Nellie
Brontë Anne
Brontë Emily
Buchan John
Chambers Robert W
Chéjov Antón
Collins Wilkie
Cooper James Fenimore
Crawford Francis Marion
Disraeli Benjamin
Edgeworth Maria
Edwards Amelia B
Eliot George
Fitzgerald F. Scott
France Anatole
Franz Kafka
Freeman R. Austin
Friedrich Engels
Gaskell Elizabeth
Gautier Théophile
Gissing George
Gorky Maxim
Harte Bret
Hawthorne Julian
Hodgson William Hope
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2020 - 2024
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620 wyników Filtruj
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Welcome to the Essential Science Fiction Novels book series, where you will find a selection of endless tales about the incredible technologies of the future, time travel and its consequences, adventures in interstellar spaceships, strange post-apocalyptic worlds, dangerous alien invasions and everything else the authors dreamed of or feared for the future of humanity.For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the 5 novels by authors who created memorable stories that shaped the foundations of Science Fiction. Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott.Gloriana by Florence Dixie.A Trip to Mars by Francis Henry AtkinsA Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne.The War with the Newts by Karel Capek.If you appreciate good books, be sure to check out the other Tacet Books titles!
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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Edmond About which are The King of the Mountains and The Man With The Broken Ear. About made his name as an entertaining anti-clerical writer. Was one of the few younger authors of note who adhered to the second empire, he enjoyed the special favor of Napoleon III. Novels selected for this book: - The King of the Mountains. - The Man With The Broken Ear.This is one of many books in the series Essential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.
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Welcome to the3 Books To Knowseries, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is:Western. Riders of the Purple Sage - Zane Grey The Log of a Cowboy - by Andy Adams The Virginian - Owen Wister Published in 1912, Riders of Purple Sage is the most popular western novel of all time. It is a story of a female rancher who incurs the wrath of the local clergy when she refuses to marry the deacon. To get revenge, the town preacher begin harassing the woman until a gunslinger rides into town and decides to help her out. The Log of a Cowboy is about a young cowboy helping to drive three thousand circle-dot longhorns along the Great Western Cattle Trail from Brownsville to Montana in 1882. Andy Adams wrote it as a response to the unrealistic cowboy stories that were being written at that time. The Virginian is the story of a hero, who epitomizes integrity, responsibility, loyalty, justice, chivalry, and magnanimity. It is regarded as the first cowboy novel and it stands as one of the top 50 best-selling works of fiction. Hollywood experts considered the book to be the basis for the modern fictional cowboy. This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics.
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Andy Adams lived the cowboy life on the Texas plains. He later rendered those experiences in fiction to set Americans straight about life in the West.For this book, the critic August Nemo selected seven short stories by this author: - Drifting North. - Siegerman's Per Cent. - "Bad Medicine". - A Winter Round-Up. - A College Vagabond. - The Double Trail. - Rangering.
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Sometimes life can be discouraging and exhausting. For those moments there are stories that are heartwarming and give us the daily dose of joy and encouragement that we all need. Critic August Nemo selected seven short stories that will do good for your mood and your heart: - An Angel in Disguise by T.S. Arthur - The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde - The Magic Shop by H.G. Wells - Springtime a la Carte by O. Henry - The Antique Ring by Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Fable of the Man Who Didn't Care for Storybooks by George Ade - A Story Without A Title by Anton ChekhovFor more books with interesting themes, be sure to check the other books in this collection!
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George Ade's greatest recognition came with Fables in Slang (1899), a national best-seller that was followed by a weekly syndicated fable and by 11 other books of fables. The fables, which contained only a little slang, were, rather, examples of the vernacular. The critic August Nemo selected seven short stories from this essential author of American literature: The Fable of the Preacher Who Flew His Kite, But Not Because He Wished to Do So The Fable of the Two Mandolin Players and His Willing Performer The Fable of the Parents Who Tinkered with the Offspring The Fable of the Man Who Didn't Care for Storybooks The Fable of the Kid Who Shifted His Ideal The Fable of How Uncle Brewster was Too Shifty for the Tempter The Fable of Lutie, the False Alarm, and How She Finished about the Time that She Started
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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of William Harrison Ainsworth which are The Spectre Bride and Jack Sheppard. William Harrison Ainsworth was an English author of popular historical romances. Novels selected for this book: - The Lancashire Witches - Jack SheppardThis is one of many books in the series Essential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors
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La serie de libros "7 mejores cuentos"> presenta los grandes nombres de la literatura en lengua española. En este volumen traemos a Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, un escritor japonés, perteneciente a la generación neorrealista que surgió a finales de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Sus obras, en su mayoría cuentos cortos, reflejan su interés por la vida del Japón feudal. La locura de su madre le condicionó psicológicamente para toda la vida; siendo un niño enfermizo y nervioso que leía libros incesantemente en las bibliotecas públicas. Considerado como el "padre de los cuentos japoneses", el Premio Akutagawa, uno de los más prestigiosos de Japón, fue nombrado en su honor. Este libro contiene los siguientes cuentos: - Rashomon; - En el Bosque; - Sennin; - Kappa; - La Nariz; - Cuerpo de Mujer; - El Gran Terremoto.
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Spanish literature generally refers to literature written in the Spanish language within the territory that presently constitutes the state of Spain. Its development coincides and frequently intersects with that of other literary traditions from regions within the same territory, particularly Catalan literature, Galician intersects as well with Latin, Jewish, and Arabic literary traditions of the Iberian peninsula. In this book, the critic August Nemo brings to readers a rich selection of seven short stories by Spanish authors. - The Tall Woman by Pedro Antonio De Alarcon. - The White Butterfly by Jose Selgas. - Maese Perez, The Organist by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. - Moors And Christians by Pedro Antonio De Alarcon. - Bread Cast Upon The Waters by Fernan Caballero. - First Love by Emilia Pardo-Bazan. - An Andalusian Duel by Serafin Estebanez Calderon. For more books with interesting themes, be sure to check the other books in this collection!
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Thanksgiving began as a day of giving thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well. Being the holiday that marks the opening of the Holiday Season, Thanksgiving is an important part of the identity and culture of North America. Have fun with seven short stories selected by the critic August Nemo that bring all the atmosphere of union and gratitude of this date: - An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott - Thankful by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman - Turkeys Turning The Tables by William Dean Howells - How We Kept Thanksgiving at Oldtown by Harriet Beecher Stowe - Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O. Henry - Three Thanksgiving Kisses by Edward Payson Roe - The First Thanksgiving by Albert F. Blaisdell & Francis K. BallFor more books with interesting themes, be sure to check the other books in this collection!
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Discover the magic and genius of Louisa May Alcott through seven carefully selected classic tales! Known for the iconic "Little Women," Alcott left behind an impressive literary legacy, crafting over 30 novels and a hundred captivating stories. Dive into tales like "A Modern Cinderella," "An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving," and more, perfect for passionate fans and newcomers alike about to be enchanted by Alcott's compelling storytelling. An unmissable read for all lovers of great stories! This book contains the following stories: - A Modern Cinderella; - My Red Cap; - A Christmas Dream, and How it Came to Be True; - An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving; - Aunt Kipp; - Rosy's Journey; - The Brothers.
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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Louisa May Alcottwhich are Little Womenand Jack and Jill. Louisa May Alcottwrote under various pseudonyms and only started using her own name when she was ready to commit to writing. Her novelLittle Womengave Alcott financial independence and a lifetime writing career. Novels selected for this book: - Little Women - Jack and Jill This is one of many books in the seriesEssential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.
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ENFP personality is highly perceptive and thoughtful; they like to be around other people and have a strong intuitive nature. In this book you will find two classic novels specially selected to please the tastes of the ENFP. These are works by renowned authors that will surely bring reflections, insights and fun to people with this kind of personality. For ENFP, we chose: - Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. - War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. For more books that will suit you, be sure to check out our collection 7 Short Stories your Myers-Briggs Type Will Love!
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Christmas brings out the best of us, our best intentions and willingness to share with others. The writers also participate in this climate of generosity and offered us with great tales that have become classics in the imaginary of Christmas. Critic August Nemo selected seven Christmas tales for you to enjoy and read in the family: - The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen - The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - Christmas Jenny by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman - The Other Wise Man by Henry van Dyke - Merry Christmas by Stephen Leacock - Papa Panov's Special Christmas by Leo Tolstoy For more books with interesting themes, be sure to check the other books in this collection!
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Hans Christian Andersen, born in Denmark in 1805, practically invented the writing of eventyrs; the adventure fairy tale, or fantastic tale. Although he wrote a broad range of work, including plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, it was his fairy tales that became culturally iconic in the Western world. His stories have inspired countless plays, ballets, and movies. In this volume the critic August Nemo selected for you seven classic tales that populated the dreams of generations: - The Little Mermaid - Brave Tin Soldier - The Princess and the Pea - The Goloshes of Fortune - The Emperor's New Clothes - The Last Dream of Old Oak - Little Tiny or Thumbelina
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Sherwood Anderson's prose style was based on everyday speech. Anderson was also one of the first American authors to introduce new insights from psychology, based on Freudian Analysis. His writing had an impact on such notable writers as Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner, both of whom owe the first publication of their books to his efforts.A Man of IdeasAn AwakeningAn Apology for CrudityHandsThe EggThe Man In The Brown CoatThe Other Woman
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The literary work of Leonid Andreyev is populated with unfortunate characters who inspire compassion. Andreiev never managed to get rid of the traumatizing experiences of his past, and transmitted in his texts images of tragedy and bitterness through his vanquished characters, with a revolted, impetuous and torturously personal style.In general, Andreyev's works reflect the somber and haunted life of those who have already lost all hope and illusion. Even the mood with which he tries to impregnate some texts tends to sound ironic and somber. Andreiev always tries to draw the reader's attention to the most tragic and cruel side of life, whipping up human selfishness, impiety, cowardice and brutality.Placed among the great pessimistic writers, Andreiev descends to the heart of the miseries that surround him, not hesitating even before the morbid, and exposing everything with an almost savage rawness.Critic August Nemo selected seven short stories from this author for your entertainment:LazarusOn The Day of CrucifixionThe Crushed FlowerThe Serpent's StoryJUdas IscariotThe Little AngelA Story Wich Will Never Be Finished
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Anthony Trollope wrote convincing novels of political life as well as studies that show great psychological penetration. One of his greatest strengths was a steady, consistent vision of the social structures of Victorian England, which he re-created in his books with unusual solidity. This selection of short stories brings you the best of Trollope selected by August Nemo: The Man Who Kept His Money in a BoxThe Mistletoe BoughThe Parson's Daughter of Oxney ColneReturning Home An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids The Courtship of Susan BellThe Relics of General Chasse
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Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and meaningful novels of Anthony Trollope which are The Way We Live Nowand The Warden. Anthony Trollope was an English novelist whose popular success concealed until long after his death the nature and extent of his literary merit. Novels selected for this book: - The Way We Live Now. - The Warden. This is one of many books in the series Essential Novelists. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the authors.
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Bienvenidos a la colección 3 libros para conocer, nuestra idea es ayudar a los lectores a aprender sobre temas fascinantes a través de tres libros imprescindibles y destacados. Estas obras cuidadosamente seleccionadas pueden ser de ficción, no ficción, documentos históricos o incluso biografías. Siempre seleccionaremos para ti tres grandes obras para instigar tu mente, esta vez el tema es: El arte de escribir. • El arte poética por Aristóteles • Sobre el arte de contar historias por Horacio Quiroga. • Ensayos literários por Robert Louis Stevenson. Este es uno de los muchos libros de la colección 3 libros para conocer. Si te ha gustado este libro, busca los otros títulos de la colección, pues estamos convencidos de que alguno de los temas te gustará.
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